Note that all afternoon and evening courts are not guaranteed, they are on a first-come, first-serve, basis. The club does ask that you check the calendar and try to honor the events that are scheduled.
Any events scheduled by La Deportiva take precedence.
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Skechers Pickleball Tour
June 8, 2024 - June 9, 2024
Amig@s queremos invitarlos a que se inscriban a la segunda etapa del
Skechers Pickleball Tour, la cual será en Querétaro (Cosmicball Pickleball Club)

Hace unas semanas se llevó a cabo el inicio del tour en CDMX. /
Friends we invite you to register for the second stage of the Skechers Pickleball Tour, which will be in Querétaro (Cosmicball Pickleball Club)
. The start of the tour took place in Mexico City a few weeks ago.
El registro se realiza en la página de Bounce / Registration is through Bounce website: